Tuesday, November 17, 2009


One of the most hotly contested debates these days is which wait symbol is the most upsetting. For obvious reasons, we cannot wait. We must have everything now. It is a requirement. The traditional signals for "waiting" have passed us by. Drivers speed through red light and stop signs all the time. Those are for the dark ages.

We only have a few foes left holding us back. One of the biggest is technology. Who's teeth don't grit when the hourglass pops up on the computer? Turning and turning. We never see the sand; we only see red. Microsoft tried to make this easier by giving us a blue circle in Vista. It spins instead of flipping. Yeah, change is good, but we're still waiting. I feel better often watching it because it's fainter and I always think it's disappearing. It doesn't make the computer go faster - the tricks of Microsoft are starting to fade out like the blue circle.

Technology, though now a giant in the waiting game, will never compare to people. Nothing will ever beat the back of someone's head. Technology cannot duplicate a bald, flaking, and unmoving head.

I don't get frustrated with waiting in line, though. I'm one of the good guys. Right, right?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Welcome to Computerin'

Yes, I didn't start this blog just on my own motivation.

However, don't let that give you skepticism for the greatness that is to come.

This blog will focus on my activities in the CIS 120 COCC class ("computerin'"), but may indeed blossom into something more grotesque.

Keep a'watch.